The life of a soldier boy Isn't all smiles Leaving so often Why can't you stay for a while? The soldier boy is brave Excited to make a stand Can't wait for his country To take the upper hand But the life of a soldier boy Isn't all fun Sometimes you feel scared Even out in the sun But the soldier boy is strong And leaves us with a smile He gives us a promise He'll be back in a while So he's off to Iraq To fight with the Marines It seems we'll never know What's in his drea...
Guess who's smoking her steamroller again!! I found my lighter, too, in a drawer. Strange i put it there... Oh well, not much of what I do makes sense! Jesus, sometimes i feel so pretty! Lonely, too. It's okay, the weed is currently doing for me what i need. Okay, so it doesn't give me sexual pleasure, but it makes me forget about needing some. Shit! I was just smoking with my retainers in. That means they're gonna taste like weed smoke for at least three days. AUGH! I hate when i do that!!! L...
Who knows of the darkness out there, the true darkness, not the one that comes in the evening, but the one that snuffs out not just light, but, hopes, dreams, loves, and needs in a grasp that is somehow impossible to loosen? I'm not speaking of the thing that we fall asleep to, not the absence of light, but the absence of life. The feeling in the deepest corners of your heart and mind, the thing that may sneak up on you when you're not expecting it, or perhaps hangs as a cloud over your everyday...
Here I go again. Biggest hit i can remember. Just joking. I have had more. Isn't anyone interested in an ex teenage rock star who smokes a hell of a lot too much weed? I guess not. My themes are all the same. What ifs and what nots. Who needs what ifs? I sure don't. I've made so many wrong decisions in my life it's like a gigantic what if, and i think if i ask, i would end up dying. I've got a good what if... What if i don't find my lighter? Dont worry, i did. But no. I can't say what if to ever...