This is Anne... Complete and Real
Come on, read this, leave me a comment, I'm beggin.
Published on December 10, 2003 By Tangled Wishes In Misc
Here I go again. Biggest hit i can remember. Just joking. I have had more. Isn't anyone interested in an ex teenage rock star who smokes a hell of a lot too much weed? I guess not. My themes are all the same. What ifs and what nots. Who needs what ifs? I sure don't. I've made so many wrong decisions in my life it's like a gigantic what if, and i think if i ask, i would end up dying. I've got a good what if... What if i don't find my lighter? Dont worry, i did. But no. I can't say what if to everything or anything, it would all fall apart. I'm balancing on bubble bricks here people, the wrong move could send me into a what if world for eternity. And i would find my way to make it a SHORT eternity, anyway. Ach i sprayed some stuff that makes me cough. Well, before i begin writing anything, I ought to say my head is spinning. It's a lovely feeling...
So I need a theme here. I need people to want to read this. But wait... Why? I mean, aren't I writing for myself?? If i wrote this for others' opinions, wouldn't I be a blogger whore? DAMN IT, YES!
I need to let myself be myself by writing what is on MY MIND. What I WANT to say, not what other people want to hear. And maybe someday they'll want to hear what I say, but if not, that's all right.
I'm an eighteen year old college dope head. I don't really fit in at my school, there aren't too many eccentrics like me here. Well I oughtn't say I'm eccentric, I blend in all right with the crowd in dress. I just have... well, different thougts and beliefs and even practices. God forbid! Actually, God forbid there aren't any more solid philosophical college dope heads here in Morris Minnesota. I'm not solid, i don't know why i said that. I'm actually rather flimsy... My emotions are as strong and steady as a kleenex. Damn it, that makes me hungry. Sorry! Anyhow. I am not solid. We've decided that. I am philosophical in... well, nature i suppose. In theory. Not so much in practice, I have the unfortunate problem that there's no one here to involve in intellectual banter. Damn them. I wish I did have someone I could talk about my soul and inner nature with. My decisions, my mind wanderings. Sadly, I don't. So I'm a solid philosophic. And I am totally a dope head. I mean it. I haven't had much lately, but I'm gladly getting into it again. I never intended to leave... Just no dealer. So I have a big foot long or so steamroller, a mini steamroller, a smaller bowl and a medium bowl, and a bong. God behold the love of the power of weed. My life staple. I love it, it loves me. And oh had i missed her... I'm having a conversation with my friend, and i just told her I pretty much quit weed come college, and she said wow. I said it's hard to believe, huh, and she answered, for you, yes. It's not a problem, nor a solution, it's merely an action. It changes your life, maybe neither bad nor good, but it changes it and makes you a different person. Your life and perceptions of AT LEAST one thing (Weed, or on the opposite hand, the pointless laws of government) are forever skewed. It's not wrong, it's not wrong for my kids when I have them. Maybe it's wrong if they're too young, but not when they're mature enough to smoke or drink. It's a better experience than drinking, and you don't do dumbass things. Or get hangovers. You laugh a lot. How is that a BAD thing? And you get hungry... Imagine how much money convenience stores make off of munchie heads? If it was legal... and everyone did it... It would boom up the economy! Lol, especially the fewer tax money used, if it was legal, they wouldn't have to use tax money to imprison the weed smokers, they wouldn't be in trouble! Save lots of YOUR MONEY. For things like education, and reducing the debt, and help improve other government departments. And the immense gain the economy would have by legalizing weed and collecting income tax off of dealers, and ruling the trafficking universe, and making millions and millions of dollars every year. There are drug traffickers in South America making money selling Americans drugs, when we could be paying the government for legal weed?
Wow what am I saying. I don't even remember my argument, or any of it. Vending machine time.

on Dec 10, 2003
Make it easy for people to read your posts. One big chunk of text is a pain in the ass to read, so many people won't even bother. I know I don't.
on Dec 10, 2003
I agree Abe Cabbage, his Grammar is an outrage
on Dec 12, 2003
I like to skip over the boring, blocked messages too.
on Dec 13, 2003
Well, I didn't think it was that bad! Don't let these guys get you down. You say what you want to say - be a blogging whore!! Yeah, a few more spaces would make it more readable though! Keep it up, dopey!