This is Anne... Complete and Real
And A Wee One
Published on April 13, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Sex & Romance
I have a major confession to make.

It's kind of weird, so you have to forgive me for saying this. And my friends that read this blog are gonna give me soooo much shit!!! Lol!! Good thing I'm druuuuunnnnkkkk right now and am not worried about that. Otherwise I wouldn't admit it.

Oh wait I just revealed my wee confession. That is: I am drunk! At 9:50 pm!!!! Muahahahah! And it's fucking TUESDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!

Okay. For the huge big time confession. OMG I so don't want to say this.

WAIT!! I have always been sexually liberated. I'm going for it. I'm gonna say it. I'm going to be sexually brave and not care about what anyone else thinks about my sexuality. All that matters is what I think. Okay, here it goes:

I want to have an affair with an older man.

Not like, an eighty year old, or anything. But with someone who's more mature... Like, thirty, or something. Older but sexy. And experienced. I think that would be soooooo hot!!!!! Seriously the hottest thing. Older men are so sexy, you know? They're all, confident in themselves and stuff. And that turns me on soooo much!

So this has been my plan for like, two weeks. Maybe less. It occurred to me when I was stoned a lil while back. I was walking with my older teacher, and was thinking, Gee, is he going to make a move on me? A ridiculous thought, OF COURSE, but I was thinking it because I was stoned. And then I got to thinking, would it be bad to have an affair with an older man? And of course I realized I've done nearly everything else sexually (except anal, that is just GROSS) and I decided, what the hell? Why not give it a try? I mean, don't bash it til you try it, right!!!

Are older men desperate? Not that I want a desperate man... I don't know what I want.


Yep. I'm drunk.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 14, 2004
Who's Wonkette?

ShouLD i KNOW?

I'm not married.

Just drunk again,

on Apr 15, 2004
altho i got no interest in pursuing this (much less envisioning it), i guess the conclusion one must draw from what ive been reading is.....mick jagger, kevin costner, johnny depp, brad pitt, springsteen, mel gibson, etc, etc. all smell bad and have wrinkled scrotums? (sorta like that naked male infant at the beginning of 'garp' well as every other male infant ive hadda deal with).
on Apr 15, 2004
actually the male infants DID smell bad etc
on Apr 15, 2004
There are varying degrees of wrinkledom you know...

My scrotum is as wrinkled as any young bucks... but you know... with age, you lose a bit of form... I am just going on heresay right now, but i am 100% confident old men have filthy scrotums.

on Apr 15, 2004
I want to mention again: 30 is NOT old.
on Apr 15, 2004
I guess I'm feeling the same disbelief as Dharma and Brad... How can anyone in their 30's be considered 'old'?
on Apr 15, 2004
I'm not thirty yet, but I don't think its old. Geez I hope its not old. I don't plan on being old when I'm that age.

Anne... you know what a Christian is... I told you one time. You just don't know if you wanna give up your lifestyle because you know that being a Christian means that. And I appreciate that about you.

Men are attractive whatever their age. And thirty is not old. I find men attractive in lots of various ages. But I'm not dating all of 'em! I guess I gotta have more than just looks or "hottness factor." Guys are more than their looks. Nothing turns me on more than an intelligent man who can hold his own in an argument (logically without getting all emotional). Well, okay. A strong committment to Christ will beat that out. But they're very similiar things...
on Apr 16, 2004
30 is such a good age though.

Old enough to have achieved something with your life and have some of those luxuries you always wanted, and young enough to still enjoy them!

on Apr 25, 2004
Hey little girl:) loved the post. I had to laugh like dharma girl about the 30 being "older" I'm 38. And my boyfriend Rob is 33. Men are just MEN girl...there are some good ones at thirty and there are some massive fuckwits out there too. Try and avoid the fuckwits if you can:) When you get a bit older yourself you will develop and ability to spot them at 30 kilometres away.

Its interesting in that I don't date guys my age or in their forties...why you may ask? Because they seem to have a lot of preconceived notions about how I should act, look ect ect. Rob doesn't...and he's fucking beautiful...and he gives amazing head:) And he's a sweetie kind gentle and very very good to me. Reasons enough.

Good luck chickie I hope you find a nice one...go fer yer life mate!

on Apr 25, 2004
19 explains everything. Damn, I had you pegged for late 20's, conservatively. Shame on me for that.
on Apr 25, 2004
Its interesting in that I don't date guys my age or in their forties...why you may ask? Because they seem to have a lot of preconceived notions about how I should act, look ect ect.

Don't you just hate that? I personally refuse to act or dress 'age appropriately'...I am who I am, regardless of my numeric age.
on Apr 27, 2004
Girl I am so with you on this one. I just like being me...the heck with trying to be anyone or anything else:)

on Apr 27, 2004
Its matters whether or not she's Christian because?? I always say God does not give a shit who you FUCK:)

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