This is Anne... Complete and Real
Published on February 11, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Politics
I am touched by the immaturity and bullheadedness written by several "adults" on this blog site.

I'm not really into politics, and for good reason, because a lot of what I'm seeing is a lot of people NOT knowing what's going on. I admit that I don't know what's going on, but I at least have the sensibility to do so.

I also find it offensive when people make personal attacks on other bloggers. I start out seeing two different opinions, people backing them up with quotes and sources and what not, and then it starts to get all blurry and shady, and pretty soon people are no longer backing up their arguments by intellectual means, rather by blunt force.

Come on now! If there's ONE thing I've learned about debates, it's that you state your argument clearly and back it up with feasible material. And no matter how much you disagree with what the other person is saying, you don't react with anger, by mentioning that the person you are arguing against is "merely a child", rather you use more facts to disagree with their statements, until either one wins, or you draw. That's the style of debating.

I think that if people feel that they would like to DEBATE on here, they should stick to debating, and if they want to fight, then they shouldn't say that they're debating.

It's all about honesty, y'all!

And integrity! Let's use it!

Love Freely

~PS this is the first and last time I ever use a subject as political, from here on out, I'm sticking to my "childish", non political blogs. At least then, if people make personal attacks on me, it's about something personal.
on Feb 11, 2004
Ah!! I must add that this isn't a personal attack on anyone, and I haven't felt that anyone has made a personal attack on me. I'm just annoyed with some blogging politics.
on Feb 11, 2004
Respect babe!

dont worry about it though... these kind of things happen when you are so passionate about an issue... it doesn't matter what side you represent, but writing with your heart can be death.

Brad is right in that regard, i simply bite of more than i can chew by attempting to argue a point about kids in prisons rather than the WMD issue the article was intended for...

he shouldn't have handled it the way he did though... but i am over it

you are correct though - Love Freely Indeed.

on Feb 11, 2004
Although there are some slams here and there, this is a very respectful site compared to many.
on Feb 11, 2004
Bear with them. I have seen so many people come to the internet for the first time, completely ignorant not of what they want to say, but how to say it. Some never change and wander off, but other I have seen sensed where they fail in these discussions, and have become sincere and formidable people to debate. Many of us had the benefit of a tirelessly argumentative families that knew no bounds of subject matter. Others didn't.

If anything this is a great place to learn to interact. There will always be failures here and there in the process, but trolls rarely stick around long. Don't take it to heart
on Feb 12, 2004
::laughs:: I was an agnostic in the home of a minister growing up, let me tell you that led to some interesting discussions.
