This is Anne... Complete and Real
Making Myself Understood
Published on February 4, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Blogging
Sometimes I think that, whenever I talk, or write, someone completely misunderstands EVERY THING I am saying. Wait, no, I see that everywhere I look on here!!

It's like, everywhere I turn, I see someone making a list on the reasons why people are homeless, and how they could have prevented it (mainly, drinking and doing drugs stuck out in my mind), or calling God gay and Christians stupid, or trying to force their childish opinions down someone else's throat. Or they scream out unintelligent, illiterate, junk.

I haven't gotten to the point where I don't care about other people's opinions, and I really am kicking myself for this, because if I didn't, I probably wouldn't be writing this blog.

But I'm writing in the defense of emotion! I see people making unjust, judgemental, and even at times cruel comments on blogs written by people they don't even know. I was reading one woman's blog about being homeless, and people were being so rude as to say something along the lines of, she shouldn't be writing blogs, she shouldn't be spending money on a computer if she can't afford a home. This particularily bugged me. Now, I, like probably everyone else who read her blog, know very little about her situation. All I know is what she wrote down. I do, though, realize that public libraries have internet access... My suggestion is, perhaps people should assess the situation, and perhaps try to learn more about it, before saying something rude and equally stupid.

I know that everyone has a difference in opinion. I respect that. I do not, though, respect when people use their opinions to accuse people of things they aren't even fully aware of. I also do not respect people who spend their time trying to force a biased, not even fully accurate, opinion down someone else's throat.

I'm not a mother, I'm young, and I'm not in a social worker position or anything like that. But I do feel that people should not say hurtful things to other people, at least not without knowing anything of a situation. It's immature! I think people should keep an open mind to things, and if they're unable to do so, then maybe they should at least be respectful to keep their opinions to themselves. Why can't we practice this? Why can't we teach our children how to care about others, and that caring involves respecting others beliefs and decisions? Why can't we stop the hypocracy, the lies, the idiocy?

Why don't we try it on our own?

I try my damnedest to be respectful of others. Sometimes I break down, sometimes some people just drive me nuts, and I need to blow off steam. But I make it a POINT to never go out and purposely try to hurt someone. When I disagree with someone, I try to tell them my point of view calmly and respectfully, and if that's not possible, then I don't even bring it up. Yet again, sometimes I do explode, but never intentionally. I think people should try to be in more control of their actions, and statements. And when they act on anger, perhaps try to breathe it out, or maybe think about how you would feel in the other person's shoes, and maybe model your behavior so that you can resolve your anger in the least harmful way possible.

Nobody's perfect, I know, but if we all tried a little harder, we could at least be decent.

And if you are going to write some rash, illiterate, perhaps even unintelligent reply to this, please don't waste your time or yours and my energy. Thanks. Though I would like to hear if someone disagrees with me, if you DO feel like disagreeing because you THINK you know me after reading my blogs, please, remember that no one knows everything about anyone. I can guarantee that you don't, regardless of who you are. (Oh gosh, that came out sounding mean! Please excuse that! I'm trying to say as tactfully as I can, no one knows all of my feelings, or all of my actions, and I do know I'm not perfect, I'm trying to better myself! There. That sounds better.)

Sorry this was such a... piecy article. I feel strongly about everything I wrote, and it's hard for me to say everything clearly, without sounding like a bitch, which is NOT MY INTENTION!
on Feb 04, 2004
I myself seem to battle almost every day with why it's so hard for people to be decent or why they say the things that they do, or why they don't put themselves in other peoples shoes. I was told something along time ago that still sticks with me today when I get to going around and around with why people are the way they are and that's this: you can't expect people to always do or say what you think they should. It's unfortunate but true. I just think that you and I would like to tackle an impossible problem of why there aren't very many genuinely good, decent people left in this world that actually think before they speak or act. It's impossible, maybe the best thing to do is know that deep down in your heart you have the best intentions and maybe the more we try to treat people how we would like to be treated then they will do the same. Yeah right, huh?
on Feb 04, 2004
Mean comments come out of anger and fear. If you think that others are homeless because they are stupid, lazy, or crazy, then you don't have to worry about ever being homeless. If however you see that no matter how hard you work and how lucky you are that you could become homeless, then you don't have that veil of denial to protect you emotionally. Those of us who have had hard times, realize that as terrible as it is to be in that situation, that we have inner strength we didn't know we had and can deal with those things. But then again, maybe WE are unique!?

Another thing--some people are threatened by other's openess and vulnerability. They prefer to talk about safe subjects. When you are more vulnerable, they find it unpleasant or distasteful.
on Feb 04, 2004
Thanks for replying... It's good to know some people understand where I'm coming from. Sherye, I'm starting to see what you mean about people and vulnerable subjects. It's ridiculous, isn't it?
on Feb 04, 2004
i was gonna write this longwinded reply, but then i realized that i already wrote down my thoughts on this subject. please read "Bloggin" (reposted)

c'mon deleted, you know you can't stay away from this one... let's hear your 3 cents? or is this one too long for you to read without getting distracted?

on Feb 04, 2004
People are free to say anything in a comment just as they are free to say anything in an article. If you think their comment to your article is not constructive (i.e. just rude) you can delete it. I found that once I stopped taking things really personally and didn't get emotional, I learned a lot more from the comments that disagreed with me than the ones that agreed.

I have no use for people who just spout obscenities or call people names. There is never an excuse for that. If you think something is stupid, either don't acknowledge it with a comment or state why you think it is stupid. Too many times people will just say stuff like "you are just totally ignorant" or "this is just a pile of bulls**t". You don't have to be nice but you certainly should be constructive.

You sound like a very nice, empathetic person. Best wishes.