This is Anne... Complete and Real
Published on October 29, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Blogging
Lol, I have to laugh at my title.

I have decided today that I am JoeUser's least-read blogger, and I've also decided that that deserves some sort of recognition, so there it is!

Were this a prestigious award, my acceptance speech would go something like:

"dear non-friends and non-enemies who have awarded me with the distinguished title of 'JoeUser's Most Unread Blogger', I am quite proud of my achievements and completely intend on keeping on doing what I've been doing all along... It seems to be working!"

Anyhow, there's my daily musings


on Oct 29, 2004
hello Anne, I read your article.

on Oct 29, 2004
Yaaay for the Underdog!!
on Oct 29, 2004
I think Tracy Givens might be the most unread blogger. Although I find his articles fascinating, nobody hardly ever replies.
on Oct 29, 2004
And I thought I had a claim to fame for having a 3 comment per article average (probably a lot fewer if you substract my own replies). Thanks for destroying my hopes and dreams.
on Oct 29, 2004
I would like to announce that I plan to challenge for your title. You have been warned.
on Oct 29, 2004
I think Tracy Givens might be the most unread blogger. Although I find his articles fascinating, nobody hardly ever replies.

@Myrrander. You missed the Tracy Givens fiasco! he he he . . .
on Oct 30, 2004
Hey Anne, I read almost all of your articles, I just usually don't have anything to say. I'll start commenting more.

on Oct 30, 2004

So much for that title.

I never get replies, therefore I assumed I went unread. Of course the title of this blog is inviting, I guess...

I won't relinquish my title for at least five more articles, and if they don't get any replies, then I won't give it up, and if they DO, then Philomedy, you can have the award

Thanks, Sarah!

on Oct 31, 2004
I would like to announce that I plan to start replying to all your articles. The title will be mine! ::maniacal laughter slowly fading into the distance:::
on Oct 31, 2004

Okay Philomedy... Whatever you want. If you so desire to be least unread, I most definitely will humbly give you the award at the end of five articles' time!
