This is Anne... Complete and Real
I just got back to Morris from fall break.

It was a good weekend home, except my room smells like burned hair even though I didn't burn mine this time. its coming from outside

I got stoned like HELL this weekend, specially last night before Mandi's car DIED and we had to walk in very cool weather at night stoned as hell and avoid all cars but her boyfriend's. So today Mandi and I and her mom went to check out another car that I hope she gets. It's a cool car!

I haven't really unpacked yet. I tried to take a nap which mainly resulted in confusion... I had no clue where I was. Man I got just a little bit of French homework and I just wanna go to bed! I don't want to unpack! The food has it's places and the clothes are all folded in a bag

Wow I really love the weezer song "Only in Dreams"


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