This is Anne... Complete and Real
Published on September 15, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Blogging
I'm sinking into the madness.

I felt it when I wrote a sentence while talking to my friend. We had a good convo that I should keep for future posting...

Here was the sentence :

I'm So Lonely And No One Is Around To Talk To Me, And I Just Want A Friend!! says:
It almost seems ridiculous for me to even leave my room

And there it was.

And there I am.

I'm talking to a friend now about it, but we'll see where it gets me. At least I know that I'm starting right now, and maybe I'll be able to stop it.

But it almost feels.... Well, nevermind.

We'll see where it goes.


on Sep 16, 2004
Hang in there, girl. Best wishes.
on Sep 16, 2004
The smile seemed hardly appropriate.