This is Anne... Complete and Real
Published on April 20, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Blogging
I well I have a problem!!

My thumb... well, it's pretty stoned. We celebrated for 4-20 but well you know there's somthing wrong with the head on my thumb.

It thinks it wants to break itself. Oh it's making me mad, it's bending soooo wrong! Thumbs ain't supposed to bend that way. But my mind is trying to control it's movents.... So it's not breaking, but it's trying so damn hard!!!

I'm having a problem typing with these findger s right now. I'm deleteing a lot of mistakes, but this one is too hard I mean, it's hjard deleting them anll or lookinh back at them wo see if the'yre all spelled tirghit. That owuld talk to damn long! But i still am deleting like everytihn everyt three kees. Ahh! Ny thumb knucktle is pruprl! Oh my god! My thumb nuckle is purple!!!! It hurts too!!

Well this had turned out to be an effective and interesting 4-20 despiite itself! maybe I'll get some stoned idea to pretend i''m somoen elese and write lots of funny things on peoples' blogs. I really need more chocolate. Come to think of it, i didn't have any chocolate.... Weird, what IS that taste on my tongue? it has to be chocolate, but I didn't HAVE any! What in God's name did I find???ok! Chocolate time. That was a good mint

there's so much alcohol to eat in my room... But i' going to eat chocolate, not alchohol. But i want it!!! And i dont esnat want to seeel sober at all this 4-20no so ber time. But you know what, I have a krispy kreme.... BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANT???

A CREAM SODA IN A GLASS BOTTLE!!!! OH GOD YES THAT IS WHAT I NEED! DAMN these odd stoned obsessions with cream soda? Well, part of me wants to say, "Well, dear silly girl, because it's soda that's creamy!" and another part of me wants to say "It's a lovely creamy taste of vanilla! And it cools your mouth!" And then the only part of me left says "UP LEGS, WE'VE GOT TO GET TO THAT STORE FOR CREAM SODA!"

It's an all win situation, if you're on the side of cream soda. There is no badness in having good nights...

That's a great sentence. No badness in having good nights. It's like, Hemingways, "Road to hell paved with unbought stuffed dogs. Not my fault." That just kills me. That just drives me over the edge! You know, it's so freakin funny! Who would think, "road to hell paved with unbought stuffed dogs. Not my fault."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA! So funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well i appreciate wine, too. I've got to like Hemingway because of that. I mean, that guy SWEATED "alcoholism"! Seriously, now. Like, how many mentions of liquor does he have per page??? Oh man!!!



on Apr 20, 2004

That is all.

on Apr 20, 2004
Anne~seems almost like a celebration (the writing style), and I like THAT a lot! Totally creative. Kinda like Gertrude Stein ( a little bit) and e. e. cummings (a lot). And the line from Hemingway is a classic one! THANKS! (Did you ever notice how I almost overdose on exclamation points when I am chatting with you? I only DO that when something genuinely thrills me~and your writing is always a thrilling read...) Really cool blog! I'm so glad I got to take a long peek at it. Thanks for sharing!


P.S. Two final things for you, k? 1. Did you really hurt your thumb for real? 2. I am so sorry about the way you were recently treated online (I'm pretty sure you know which blogger I speak of). You did not deserve that AT ALL. And I have left a few comments here and there saying as much? And now I am glad I am getting a chance to say this to you more directly now: I have no idea why that blogger had such a totally harsh (and totally false) opinion of you? Because you are the very opposite of all the things that blogger said about you. So it makes my heart feel good that you seem to be able to recognize it for the ignorance that it was? Because you DID NOT deserve to be treated that way AT ALL! Anyways, that's just my humble opinion. I just think you are the coolest. So don't go changing yourself for anybody but yourself, huh? Okay, I will shut up now! . Always be kind to yourself....MP
on Apr 21, 2004
Hehehe.... I really loved this blog.

Was having a pretty ordinary day here at work, and I could feel myself bordering on getting testy with folks.... The laugh I just got from this has cheered me up immensely.

I have my good mood back, Thanks!

on Apr 21, 2004
You're welcome Wreckless Eric

MadPoet, thank you very much. It is an amusing blog, isn't it? That's why I'd like to be drunk or stoned all the time. I like myself better that way. All of my funny thoughts get jumbled and trapped in the net of depression while I'm sober... Have a problem with being cynical then. BTW thanks for thinking I'm not an inept clown... I never thought I was, either, but sometimes I have misconceptions about myself.

Anyway, gotta go brush my hair and write today's blog.
