This is Anne... Complete and Real
Published on April 18, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Entertainment
OK i started watching Taxi Driver with Deniro today. I didn't get too far into it because I had to do a lot of shizott, but I wanna know what everybody thinks of this movie.

Is it good? Is it gross, bad, scary, nice, funny, what?

And how about Scorcese. I want to know about his cult following.


on Apr 18, 2004
I think it;s good. And I would best describe certain aspects of it as 'disturbing'.

You'll see what I mean, I think.
on Apr 18, 2004
Yes, yes I did.

But not as gory as anything else I've ever seen. Ahh, I am one of the desensitized youth.

The one thing I really HATED about the movie, though, was the fucking music. It was like funeral/horror murder scene music that would play when he was freaking driving his taxi. Nothing scary about that. How annoying.

on Apr 19, 2004
Anne~Taxi Driver is one of my all time fave flicks! And I think Jodie Foster gives one of her most awesome performances ever in it. Plus everybody quotes that one line that Travis uses in the movie: "Are you talking to me?" It's a deeply disturbing movie, but I believe it really does an amazing job of showing what total alienation can do to a person. And how truly isolated and alone most of us are. I swear, I've seen Tax Driver like maybe 3-4 times so far? And now you got me wanting to see it again! . Hope you enjoy it, huh? I mean~as much as is possible given all the weird beauty it contains. This is a really cool blog!
