This is Anne... Complete and Real
Anyone who reads my blogs realizes that I have a big problem with changing. I mean, I thought I had changed from the person I was before I started college, and that made me very unhappy.

But, this weekend, I realized that I am still an emotional vampire.

I choose not to explain this, because it makes me out as a bad person, which I am. But I don't feel like explaining exactly what the emotional vampire means.

I was so excited to find that deep down inside I really haven't, even if maybe it never was good of me to be the way I was... I was happy with myself then, and happy with most of my decisions and actions, no matter how crazy they were... And now that I realize I'm the same, I feel better about a lot of other things, too.

It's all good with me right now.


on Apr 18, 2004
It is always good to see someone content with themselves. I think that change is inevitable with every experience that fills our lives we learn and adapt. We grow and attain more wisdom. We all have stages that we go through everyone has pretty much the same stages through life how you react to them is up to you...