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My Tangled Mind And Thoughts
This is Anne... Complete and Real
I Just Wrote This Letter
Published on April 1, 2004 By
Tangled Wishes
I just had a stoned experiment in my Paris class. It was very good. So i am going to retype what I wrote in this class, and you will see how very ridiculous it all is inside my mind. Mm I smell pot. And my throat is dry. Please excuse all the misspellings, they are occuring mainly because my fat finders can't type. They're actually not fat but here is the letter. Okay here's the letter:
Dear Anne~
It's April Fools day and I'm in Paris class. and I'm freaking
. off my rocker. out of my noggin. Theres a girl in this classroom that looks lika butch. Oh man Marcel Duchamp was freaking funny. Oh boy I just got momentarily dizzy. It looks like I'm taking notes hahaha. I want a real pipe. A wood pipe. To smoke tobacco and... marijana. Dunno why those dots are there... I didn't before. But there I did. I
I spelled marijuana wrong up there. but it looks pretty
up there
like that. jana. That looks so pretty. Im going to name my daughter that. jana.
with all non-capitalized letters. The J will be little: j and so will everything else
I is life purposeless?
What does that mean if life's purposeless?
I just felt like vomiting. Teach said di something. DISECTING! It was gross. I just felt like crying... I hope my high doesn't die
Then I might cry. I'm going to rhyme all my sentences. What about defenselessness. But the sentences have to be like each one. My eye skin
(new page)
movie?!! I have not. I fuckin hate silent movies. What's on the bad mews today? I
news, asshole. If I read this in ten years I will be really sad that no one else read this before me. But I don't want to read it. No more class??
(new page)
weighs a ton. It's pulling down my face. My mouth's filled with distaste. Ok none of my sentences should be related. How many boys have I dated? No more rhyming, now I'm going to write down my sudden thoughts.That's a spider on a clock. My foot hurts. Did surrealists do drugs, like Acid? His painting is melting into an ocean. It looks like my grandma's house. What does that taste like? I will show YOU 4:20!!! Imaginary friends? Surrealists
to have done acid. I
to find out. What
that taste? My eyes red? funny press on my forehead. Do I think smart sometimes stoned? That screaming chair rocks but sounds like a dentis. I'm a little tippy. I can't stop sliding my feet. Now I was because I wanted to. I'm hyperactive. hyper or pot? I'd say narijuana. No, No, marijuana. That's what I want. Yeah yeah I mean meant. My toe itches. I've been called a nut a few times today. I want a nut. Peanut eminems lol m & ms. Do lincolns make hearses? Does my teach smoke more pot than me? Is this gonna be a fuckin silent
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How To Meet You--Stoned Stories
on Apr 02, 2004
Ok, that was weird!
on Apr 02, 2004
D'ya ever read over what you wrote when you were stoned and try to make sense of what you were thinking at that moment?
Does what you wrote here make any sense to you now you're straight? I mean, can you get back on the train of thought you were on whilst writing this?
Just curious.
on Apr 02, 2004
Wow!! This is really cool writing! Did you ever read the selected letters of Emily Dickinson? This letter of yours reminds me of some of her letters--totally awesome and surreal! I just loved it. You could actually lift some of the lines from this and create a very surreal poem. Same thing w/Emily's letters. Anyway, I enjoyed this lots and lots! Thanks for sharing...
Tangled Wishes
on Apr 04, 2004
Yes I have read her letters!!!!
I spent an entire semester last year studying Dickinson, and her relationship with Susan Gilbert Dickinson. I wrote my final paper on it.
So yes I'm familiar with Dickinson's letters, and her poems! I used to not like them, but as I get older (heehee) I appreciate a lot of poetry much better. As I'm stoned now, I think I might write a blog about it!! (BORING says my inner stonedness voice)
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