This is Anne... Complete and Real
If you were a superhero, what would you be called?

I don't know what I'd be called. It's hard thinking of things like that! Maybe Emotiono. Or Wild Woman. I kind of like Emotiono better though

What kind of names do y'all have?

Are there any GlueStick Men? Or Paper Clippers? Maybe I would be Cotton Candy Girl. But that's pretty lame... I'd probably be "Pink Princess" or something stupid like that. I'm always wearing pink. I wish my name was Ivanna Humpalotte. That would be cool.

So tell me what y'all would be called!!!

~Messy Maker (
Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 21, 2004
on Apr 07, 2004
WrecklessEric of course!

But I have been known to use the name "Captain Camouflage" when I wanna blend with the crowd
on Apr 07, 2004
I think I would be JumperMan 5000

I mean, seriously, who doesn't like to jump?
on Apr 09, 2004
I wonder... I couldn't really be Captain Cornbread, then I'd be lying. I hate cornbread. Maybe a little of Chameleon. I like to play aroung with people and I like to try and blend in. I could be Chameleman.

Capt. over and out!
on Apr 11, 2004
I would be apathy man. So i'd have all the powers in the world but no will to use them.

Or maybe Captain Static electricity, I would fight evil with a slightly unpleasent shock.

Then again I could be transluscent man (if held up to light you can almost see through me).
on Apr 11, 2004
Another good one would be captain glass jaw (he has the ability to get knocked out with just one punch).
on Apr 13, 2004
My superhero name?

*straightens tie*

I'm the Negotiator, baby. Let's make a deal...

j/k, but my being your hero or your villain depends on what side of the looking glass you're on. I may be your knight in shining armor, but there's still blood on the sword. Oh well, gotta be someone's villain...
on Apr 13, 2004
my favourite superheroes so far are Geek Boy (up with obliterating chain letter passer-on-erers) and Captain Static Electricity. if you guys had comic strips, i'd totally read them.

if i were a superheroine i'd be ZAAPgirl... but wait! i already am! i think i'm going to need to put some pictures of ZAAPgirl up on my blog. either that or i'd be the Word Nerd -- able to proofread at the speed of sound. or the UltraKlutz -- the baddies i'm best at thwarting are those that own glassware stores. i can take one of those suckers down in 3.45 seconds or less.
on Apr 13, 2004
New Age Nomad.....

When trouble arises, what does she do? RUNS!! This looks like a job for NEW AGE NOMAD!!!

on Apr 13, 2004
Lol Trin that's great

The Negotiator? That's kinda sexy, like a lawyer... mmmm

on Apr 14, 2004
Sexy eh?

The superpowers are already at work

on Apr 18, 2004
Ummm I would be... hmmmm...


My powers....

whatever man... Imma lay down now.

on Apr 18, 2004
hahah, so we have one who runs, and one who just chills........

The negotiator does sound awfully sexy....

on Apr 18, 2004
Guys, I feel another story potential coming along! Beware, I like comics a lot and I know how to use them. I just want to add a twist to what everyone is replying with. I want to know arc-enemies and weeknesses. no boring ones like kryptonite alright. you gotta be original. We don't want to face copy right laws, now do we?

As for me, my weekness... Well, first off... I'm gonna stick with being Capt. Cornbread. I mean, I've taken over two planets along with the mighty wallmart and mcd.'s. Who wouldn't want to be a super being like that? Now, my weekness... Barney jokes. When I hear a Barney joke my aging speeds up exponentially. But then when I hear the words Sir Peter Maxwell, the aging slows and even being to return to normal.

Capt. over and out!
on Apr 18, 2004
I think I would have to go with "El Conquistador". Of course I would have to grow out an appropriate little mustacio (or perhaps that could be part of the costume?), wear a wide brimmed hat and a cape. Sort of like Zoro, but with a lot more flash.

Yeah, that would be cool.
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