This is Anne... Complete and Real
I'm Tearing At Myself
Published on March 10, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Life Journals
I am headed for a complete emotional collapse. I mean it. It's imminent.

I don't know how much longer I can deal with all of this surrounding me. I mean, it would be better if I could turn my head off for a while to not think about Matt, but there he is all over the TV, newspapers, everyone's SNs, and I really can't. And then there's the bitch... Years and years of physical and emotional mistreatment... That don't get wiped away like that... There was never any love. She was never nice to me until she left the house, and that was all bullshit because she stole my stuff. She knows the stuff to fucking break you down. She knows what to say. Even when it isn't true.

You could never find a foe that could think of worse things to say than my sister. Never. She could think of anything worse than anyone you would ever know. And would say them, over and over and over again. She's fucking sociopathic. And not medicated.

I know the grass isn't greener on the other side. But at least there IS grass on the other side... none of that fucking wore-torn land I'm dying in now... Find me someone worse than my sister. Please. And then I will lock her in a room with them. And she will feel it too.

I will kill her. Really. If she's not gone tomorrow I will kill her. I cannot live with her any longer. If she's not out tomorrow, it's either her or me. I'm not kidding.

I will fucking explode. I'll kill her or myself, there's no joke. She's fucking worse than fucking DAMIEN. Damien would be scared of her. I hate her. I'm really gonna snap... Just wait. Just wait.

~Heading for a mental destruction.
Wish I could forget everything now.

Sorry I ever felt sorry for her. She dont fucking care. Psycho.

on Mar 10, 2004
Its not gonna happen.

on Mar 11, 2004
Please oh please don't do anything to hurt her. She's such and angel. You just are always so mean to her. Why can't you be more like her and try to be compassionate and consideate of how she feels? You mean and cruel person.

Of course we all know you aren't man enought o do anything about it anyway, so let her stay as you always do.
(just joking)
on Mar 11, 2004
I think you let off steam just for the hell of it. Write fiction.
on Mar 11, 2004
lol I wish it was all for the hell of it.... And Mugz I wish u were right but you were proved wrong by a telephone call this morning.... I just don't know how much longer I'll be able to stand up.....