This is Anne... Complete and Real
I Hate My Sister
Published on March 10, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Personal Relationships
I hate my sister. I could scream it at the top of my lungs from every building in the world. Fuck that, in the universe.

She is a psychotic bitch, neither of those being the least of an exaggeration. Actually in all reality it's probably an understatement.

She lives in a fantasy world where shes the fucking queen bee beautiful wonderful person that deserves everything and should be trusted at all times, and when you say no she flips out.

This is all behavior from a 22 year old, whom, by the way, tells everyone she knows that she's 23. And that when she had her baby she also had a stillborn which is a lie, because my mom was there the entire time. And she told her friends she does drugs because her grandpa died, whom are both alive and kicking, not even sick. They're old but alive. Oh and she's Cuban sometimes, and sometimes she's Italian, and sometimes she's white. Not Native American or anything else that the REST of the family is. Huh. Not to mention she's a BITCH!!!!!

Yeah she's a bitch. She slept all day yesterday in the chair, and when I was watching TV she woke up for about two minutes, and the first thing the bitch says is "i'm not fucking watching this" and I said "yeah well I am" and then she screamed at me for about thirty seconds that i'm a fucking cunt whore bitch and all of that great stuff, and then she tells me someday I will live in the real world so I laugh and say that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Then she rolls over and goes back to sleep.

Fucked up, huh? So today she's nice enough to ask me for money for subway and I say no, I'm not gonna give her money. All I have is a twenty and I'll never see it again, so fuck that. So then I'm a cunt again, a fucking dirty nasty girl, haha. My reply? "You have isssues." Calm cool and collected. No yelling screaming or anything, and she decides to call me a hypocritical cunt again.

Oh how I hate my sister. I don't feel sorry for her one bit. I don't feel anything but hate for her. Oh man. See this is what I have to deal with, nice girl huh?

I bet you would love her too.

I can't fucking deal with her. I swear I'll snap and stab her in the face 53 times damn soon, thank God she's moving tomorrow. I wish she would move to fucking Alaska or something. It's not my fault she's psychotic, and doesn't have a job or a car. Fuck I don't care, she doesn't deserve anything from me, except hate. Ooooh or maybe I could ignore her!!!!


on Mar 10, 2004
Anne, oh gosh... I can't understand where you're coming from because I haven't been there (yet) at least not to that extent. All I can say is I would be fucking pissed too, and that I'm prayin for you and your insane sister!
on Mar 10, 2004
Don't bother praying for her. She just freaked out at me calling me fat and screaming for oh probably 5 minutes about how I'm fucked up and I have the drug problem, that I'm jealous of her. So I said yeah I want to be a drug addict. I'm so jealous. My family and I went to her house to bring her to treatment cause we felt BAD for her but she wiped that all away and shes not going t treatment anyway. So she was like why did u come to my house bitch, and I told her I HAD felt bad for her but not anymore. So she continued freaking out because I'm jealous and doing drugs, when in reality I haven't even drank in probably a month, and I'm actually GLAD. Christ I don't care, so then she was like, well then I'm having more fun than you. Ha. Riiiiight doing meth and havig people threaten to kill you is funner than not drinking. Yeah. And then the fuck bitch said she wouldn't care if she never saw any of us again, which I'm grateful for, and I said for her to never talk to me again. And from then on out i ignored her.

Unfortunately for her my parents hid the keys to the Tahoe so she couldn't drive to subway, so she needed me to give her a ride. Yeah like I'm fucking forgiving. So she just walked. Good.

I hope she dies.

on Mar 10, 2004
I hate to be the jerk who says this but... I don't think that's the best of way of dealing with it...

What goes around comes around, and your hate will only hurt you more. I'm sorry she's hurting you, though:-/

on Mar 10, 2004
I'm sorry she's hurting you, though:-/

haha... Dan... nice

Ann... DAn is 100% correct... sisters are sisters... and hate is a very strong word... fair enough, she is a stupid bitch who needs her head read, but she is family, and blood will always be thicker than water....

Of course, my comment isn't worth anything, because i dont know your sister... but i have two of them, and they piss me off to no end, and they are both pregnant hormonal bitches, but they are still blood, and i love them very much, in spite of all their failings...

on Mar 10, 2004
on Mar 10, 2004
I can't love her, it's not worth it.

It's too much pain to waste my emotions on her. Really she's that fucked up.

I know blood is thicker than water. But according to her she doesn't have the same blood, and Jesus would u love your parents if they abused you?

It's the same situation, different family member.

Think of it like that. Thanks for the support.

on Mar 10, 2004
and Jesus would u love your parents if they abused you?

How very ironic. Yes, Jesus loves them, and you, and your sister.

And I would love my parents if they abused me, too. If you don't love a person, I believe that it shows a lack of understanding. Don't get me wrong though, some people it just seems like aren't worth understanding.

But for family... I dunno, it's your call. I wish you the best.

on Mar 11, 2004

You can love somebody without liking them.  I can assume that she hasn't *always* been like that.

But, I'm not there, so I can't judge your situation at all. However, the only thing that really caught my eye was the fact that she had a child.  Who cares for that child while your sister is on a path of self destruction?