I finally realized my life goal in completeness today. I have decided I'm going to live in Paris, writing, and doing whatever job I can in order to support myself.
This goal is in no way, shape, or form, impossible for me. I took two years of high school French, and I plan on taking three years of French here in college. I've been toying with the idea of minoring in French since the beginning of the school year, and I just might do that, or at least take lots of French courses so I can master (or at least sufficiently learn) the language.
Besides, I'm already planning on majoring in English, and perhaps I'll transfer schools in order to major in journalism. And when I was much younger, I always wanted to spend at least a semester in France, taking classes, and whatnot, and if I did that here, or at least went to France for a summer, it would help me achieve my dream. And it would probably help on a resume, right?
So I'm completely overjoyed in deciding what I REALLY want to do in life. I know I've always wanted to write, but now I've found a means of doing so. And if I worked for the right magazine, I might also be able to find a hook up to a publisher with my writings!! So what if I would have to work, and not be able to sit around all day writing and whatnot. I would be in Paris.
Yay goals!!!
I'm so excited, now!