This is Anne... Complete and Real
I'm Going To Paris
Published on February 27, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Blogging
I finally realized my life goal in completeness today. I have decided I'm going to live in Paris, writing, and doing whatever job I can in order to support myself.

This goal is in no way, shape, or form, impossible for me. I took two years of high school French, and I plan on taking three years of French here in college. I've been toying with the idea of minoring in French since the beginning of the school year, and I just might do that, or at least take lots of French courses so I can master (or at least sufficiently learn) the language.

Besides, I'm already planning on majoring in English, and perhaps I'll transfer schools in order to major in journalism. And when I was much younger, I always wanted to spend at least a semester in France, taking classes, and whatnot, and if I did that here, or at least went to France for a summer, it would help me achieve my dream. And it would probably help on a resume, right?

So I'm completely overjoyed in deciding what I REALLY want to do in life. I know I've always wanted to write, but now I've found a means of doing so. And if I worked for the right magazine, I might also be able to find a hook up to a publisher with my writings!! So what if I would have to work, and not be able to sit around all day writing and whatnot. I would be in Paris.

Yay goals!!!

I'm so excited, now!

on Feb 27, 2004
You Go Girl!!!!

maybe Jepel can help you find a place to live and work...
on Feb 27, 2004
How about that??? As long as Jepel is willing to wait three years to help me
on Feb 27, 2004
Tangled wishes all I can say is that's great that you are trying to realize your future. That is what I was trying to convey to you there are so many great things that one can do with their lives especially if the opportunites are readily available. I hope your trip to France is great and you learn as much as you possibly can.
on Mar 04, 2004
Well, I'm not in france at the moment and I want to move from UK to canada so I doubt I can really help. Time will tell. Anyway, the best is to know what you want to do, it is always the hardest thing, after you can easily build on it.

A little advice, the best way to learn a langage is always to find a partner in the langage... it is also the funniest...

on Mar 04, 2004
Thanks for the help

I took some French in HS anyway, and am planning on taking more in college, so... Hopefully I will be all right
on Mar 04, 2004
There are a couple of french blogs on JU (, try to give a go. But I think it's can require some efforts.

(no, it's not an advertissment for my new blogs....)