This is Anne... Complete and Real
Reason Number One:

The song Angie.

TJ sang that song to me the night he broke my heart, only he changed the name to Anne (pronounced Annie, a nickname that my boys used to call me ). I was too drunk to know the words, and when I looked them up the next day I cried for I don't know how long. "Anne you're beautiful, ain't it time we said goodbye? Angie, I still love you, remember all those nights we cried?"

Well if that wasn't devastating enough, coming at the time that it did with the one guy I thought I'd loved forever, and would forever. (Hey it had been three years then! Three years is a LONG TIME! It would be five now, but I don't anymore. I don't love him.)

The song Under My Thumb.

God do I even have to explain why this one kills me? It's me, it's me, it's me it's me. That's all I can say about that.

Paint It Black.

It was a song on Joe's XBox and hearing it reminded us of him one night after he was gone. So it's always been a crushing song, reminding me both of Joe's death and the deep deep depression I suffered afterward.

Beast of Burden.

The song I listened to a lot when I wanted P.C. back. It reminded me of us, and I played it for him. Rejection! It was okay, though. It opened up a future of constant discomfort between the two of us but we'll always have the memories! (haha)

I Got The Blues

my favorite Stones song. Reminds me of Jeff and Brandyn, strange, it never has before now. Hey let's just add a little more hurt and think about Gordo and Jeff. "I'm gonna tear my hair out just for you"

Wild Horses.

Well the Sheryl Crow live version made me bawl like no song ever has before... Something about its beauty. A haunting, beautiful song that I love with all my heart.

I must stop now... Just time to go.

on Nov 24, 2004

even tho while watching the hbo broadcast of the 40 licks tour, i couldnt fully deny the formerly unimaginable as i realized they might actually gather moss someday in the not too distant future, them boys shonuff made an incredible amount of magic to date. 

it's damn near impossible for me to pare the list of my most favorite stones tunes down to 20, 2 that will always be included very near the top are 'wild horses' and 'beast of burden'--and pretty much for the same reasons youve mentioned (different names and situations of course but..).