This is Anne... Complete and Real
Published on November 5, 2004 By Tangled Wishes In Blogging
I'm young, I'm a female, I'm a minority, I'm not a Christian, and I have gay friends. I've been raped, I've been discriminated against racially, and I've been treated like shit for being a woman.

Of course I'm a flaming liberal, how couldn't I be?

And I also don't understand how anyone cannot be. How can you think that anyone has the right to make a decision for an entire group of people without giving them any say at all? How can you say that gay marriage should be illegal until after you have seen, or been in the shoes of, someone in a homosexual relationship?

How can you say that abortion is illegal until you have been forced to be in the shoes of a poor young girl who is raped and becomes pregnant? How could you say that a woman can't make the decision to do with her body when you have no idea what it is like to be in her shoes?

Since I'm angry, I react like a human being. I'm not above anyone else, I'm down in the pits with everyone else, I hate too. How can I not? How can I not hate a group of persons who is so against things I feel like are basic human rights?

I just wish every other young person, every other female, every other minority, every other person who has been a victim of sexual assault, every other homosexual or bisexual person and any one who isn't a christian in the country would have voted with the party that supported them. Unfortunately, they didn't, and here I am in a country with a big fat headed Texan idiot president for another four years. Thank god for Kansai Gaidai next year and that Minnesota is very close to Canada, and I've heard getting a work permit in another country isn't very hard.

So I'll end this article by saying, yes I know it's irrational to hate the enemy, but I do it anyway. I understand if you're the Enemy that you're going to immediately hate what I have to say too, and that it would be a boring waste of time for me to try and change your mind, or to sit and argue with you over things neither of us are going to change our minds about. What I'm going to do is try my hardest to affect the people out there who haven't associated with a party yet. I'm going to do what I can so that the same thing doesn't happen with elections next time around. What are you going to do?


Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 05, 2004
Honey, if you think that this will recruit anyone new to your cause you need to have a hard look at the study of rhetoric. Why did conservatives win this time round? Hate like this. The issue of gay marriage (which I support but I at least live in reality and know I am in the extreme minority) and other total dislogia. Partial birth abortion opposition does not equal a girl getting raped and not getting an abortion. Much like shadesofgrey your writing is normally quite good but hysteria and hyberbole do neither you nor your political aims any good at all.
on Nov 05, 2004
This BLOG is totally not aimed at recruiting anyone, hence it is posted under blogging. Please don't patronize me by calling me honey and don't go so far as to think I'm being hysterical, I felt highly rational the entire time I was writing. I'm complaining, yes, I'll give you that, and that's pretty much it.

I did also say that I know that hate is irrational. You don't have to tell me that my hate is a weakness. So is yours, so to speak.

And of course I know that gay marriage support is a minority!!! Partial birth abortion equals what it is and what it is is a woman making a choice to do what she wants to do.

Would I have an abortion? Certainly not right now. I think it's terrible, but who in the fuck am I to say whether anyone else can do what they want to their fetus? I'm not pretensious enough to make that decision. Obviously a lot of people don't see it that way, and that's what's hard. There should be many times where a person should not have the right to abort their child, but what about the times when they do have a right (hence rape, and by being raped I can understand the desire to remove all traces of the atrocious thing that has happened.)

Wait a minute, I'm probably just coming off as hysterical again Better go cool off
on Nov 05, 2004
PS It made me giggle to think of that blog being written to recruit people for political purposes. How could one think a serious arguement would include the phrase "big fat headed Texan idiot president"? Heehee

on Nov 05, 2004
Yes you are. Also if you dont want commentary regarding the BODY of your article say so in the article or even better turn off the comments.
on Nov 05, 2004
Articles like this give me no end of joy. It does me well to know that the left is so blinded by irrational hate that their lives are miserable. This blog shows, once and for all, that liberals are not the intellectual superiors they claim to be, but merely sad, sad people, grasping for something to hold onto...

BTW, if you're feeling oppressed now, keep up the hatred. This country has never experienced the wraith of 58million pissed off conservatives. All I have to say is be bloody thankful we let you believe this is a democracy (despite whats written in The Constitution). Keep on dreaming, just tone it down a bit.
on Nov 05, 2004

It saddens me that liberals are continuing to do what made them lose in the first place, although if they continue to do so for the next four years, then it'll be good news for Republicans, with even more seats in the Houses and another Republican president!

Here's something they should remember: "You'll win more flies over with honey than with vinegar."

(I wonder if the zealous liberals have a problem with fundamentalists, even though they're trying to emulate them in many ways.)

on Nov 05, 2004
I wonder what the percentage of abortions are raped teenagers? maybe 1%? Probably less.

If you have been treated in the ways you describe, then you should face the individuals responsible for it, not blame society and pretend it is a symptom of some larger problem. People don't rape and descriminate because of some cultural bias. This isn't the antibellum south. People who are biggoted and violent are sick individuals. Instead of dealing with them in that light, though, you just smear their shit onto Conservatism, making a political belief the scapegoat for hateful people.

If you get anything from that catharsis above, it should be an objective view of yourself, and how bitter and misplaced your angst is. I'm tired of Americans trying to liken themselves to pre-civil war slaves or Jews in a WW2 Germany. There is recourse for anyone downtrodden and abused, and if you just wallow in bitterness it is your choice.
on Nov 05, 2004
I just have to add, because I can:

on Nov 05, 2004
I just have to reiterate how asinine the title of this post is. You don't say you hate biggots, or rapists, you say you hate Conservatives. Fine, do that. Your bitter existance will be self-imposed punishment and the people who really harm you will be left right there to keep on doing it.

on Nov 05, 2004

I am also a woman.  I too have gay friends, have been discriminated against because of my gender, have been sexually assaulted, and am not Christian.  I have been pregnant and have considered abortion.

I am not, however, liberal.  I am not a fan of Kerry, nor a fan of the Democaratic party as a whole.  Why?  Because of the very same attitude you expressed here. 


on Nov 05, 2004
Well the responses were a lot better than I expected.

I don't have any thing to say, really... I know this is an angry post and I did when I wrote it, must I repeat the whole "hate is irrational" and I know it thing again?

We are obviously not reaching out toward the same things. We obviously do not have the same views. I don't give a shit if TWO WOMEN are raped and then pregnant, they should have their own choice! I don't care if the percentage is ridiculously low, it happens!!!!

Don't be stupid enough to say that people like me are the reason that Bush won president, you'd have to be blind and stupid to think that way.

I'm just an angry kid, I don't know what I'm talking about anyway, right? Continue on thinking I won't make any difference and I'll keep telling you to fuck off.
on Nov 05, 2004
PS Dead zombie... You're the kind of person I irrationally hate. You're exactly the kind of person I wanted to respond to my blog. Do you think my opinion could ever ever make a shit of difference to you?


That's how I feel about your opinions.
on Nov 05, 2004
Go ahead and hate anybody you like. It's your right, enjoy. Perhaps you should consider applying for membership in S.T.U.P.I.D. while you're at it.
on Nov 05, 2004
TW, you come across as very passionate, and emotional. However, to truly believe in a cause, without blindly following mindless pap, you do need to think rationally. If you were to do the lattter, you would see how so many are conservative, and why we reject liberals. Not only that, we know the world is not black and white, but has gray. And to paint one side or the other with a single color is to misunderstand them, and probably lose to them every time.
on Nov 05, 2004
You have no idea what kind of person I am... in fact you might be quite confounded meeting me in person.
1.) Im politically conservative.
2.) I believe in God.
3.) I owned a tattoo shop for two years of my life and have quite alot of skin art.
4.) I have gay and minority friends.
5.) I have adopted a child that a father wanted aborted.

I feel bad you were raped. Terrible things happen to good people everyday, and what happened to you was one of the worst violations one human can inflict upon another. But you are pushing the cycle forward with your hatred. I'll apologize for my rude remarks earlier - I was sucked in by your hatred, and I should know better. And now let me actually address two of your questions reasonably...

I can oppose gay marriage because marriage is a traditional ritual between a man and a woman. What I cannot oppose is homosexual couples having the same rights as a married couple. Thats fine, equality must be the standard for our society, but not at the expense of co-opting a traditional, sacred ritual. Equal rights, equal protection. As my friend Brent says (with flair!), "Why the hell would we want marriage? You straight people can't get it right, so I'm certainly not interested!" He's smart like that.

Abortion is murder, plain and simple. Taking the life of an innocent child. I've never been raped, Ive never been pregnant, but I have raised a child whose father tried to have him aborted. Your rights stop at your body, and the childs rights should begin at their body. To take the crime of rape, and compound it with murder is heinous.
To kill an unborn child shows a complete lack of inner strength and character. My oldest sons mother had to fight for him in court while he was unborn. She had been kicked out onto the street by her husband. Homeless, hopeless and without any of the comforts so many women have, she had the inner strangth to fight for her child. Conceiving a child does not make you a parent, nor should it give you rights over the deciding to kill that child. Today, my son laughs and cries, has a joyous life, because his mother recognized him as the unborn life he was.
And one last thing: my wife and I plan on adopting again. We have three children, and after she gave birth to the twins she cannot conceive again. There is alot of love in this house, alot of laughter... somehow our house ends up as the place in the neighborhood all the other kids end up at playing every day. Maybe we'll adopt a boy or a girl, or even a brother and sister. Race or age doesn't matter to us. So from that perspective, every child aborted in the USA is potentially one of my children being killed. And I get pissed off about that.

It is the attitude of rightous HATRED that pushes forward not only the division in this country, but racism, homophobia and murder. My advice to you, from someone that has seen both sides of the fence, is to put away your hatred and replace it with love and acceptance for everyone. Only then will you grow as a human being, and discover there is more to life than the pain others inflict on you.
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